Application Description
This engaging game, "9x9 Shooter," makes learning addition fun! Designed for children just beginning to understand numbers, this game uses single-digit addition problems to teach basic counting skills in an enjoyable way.
The game features 81 addition problems (1+1, 1+2...9+9), spread across ten stages: "1+?", "2+?", ..., "9+?", and a final "SHUFFLE" stage. Each stage presents addition problems with a specific starting number (e.g., "1+?" contains problems like 1+1, 1+2, etc.). Complete a stage to unlock the next, culminating in the "SHUFFLE" stage, which randomly presents all 81 problems. The "SHUFFLE" stage also introduces new enemies, obstacles, and bosses for an extra challenge and increased fun.
Master "9x9 Shooter" and you're ready to tackle its multiplication counterpart – "9X9 SHOOTER"!
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9X9 SHOOTER Credits:
- Play BGM: Baroque coffee house - Doug Maxwell_Media Right Productions (https://www.youtube.com/)
- Game Over BGM: Toccata in D minor – Bach (https://www.youtube.com/)
- In-game Art: Various artists from Freepik.com (@Vectonauta, @coolvector, @jcomp, and others) under Premium License.
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