"Fix 'Mission Not Complete' Error in Ready or Not: Quick Guide"
So, you've just navigated through a mission in Ready or Not, taken down all adversaries, freed the hostages, and thought you did everything by the book. Yet, you're hit with a "Mission Not Complete" message. Frustrating, isn't it? Don't worry, you're not the only one facing this issue. Here's a detailed guide on how to tackle the "Mission Not Complete" problem in Ready or Not.
1. Double-Check Your Objectives
First and foremost, revisit your objectives. You might think you've ticked all the boxes, but the game could have other ideas. Failing to meet all objectives can still allow you to vote to end the mission, but for a true completion, you need to ensure everything is done.
How to Check:
- Press the Tab button to access the mission menu and review the objective list. Look out for any items marked in red or labeled as incomplete. Some frequently overlooked objectives include:
- Reporting downed suspects or civilians – After incapacitating or neutralizing a suspect, you must report it by interacting with them (default key is F). The same goes for civilians.
- Securing evidence (weapons, bombs, etc.) – Ensure you pick up any weapons dropped by suspects.
- Completing optional objectives – Some missions have additional tasks like disabling security systems, which are necessary for full completion.
- Ensuring all hostages are safe – Make sure every civilian is properly rescued and not left tied up.
Fix: Thoroughly comb through the map to ensure no objectives are left unfulfilled.
Related: All Soft Objectives in Ready or Not, Listed
2. The Vote-to-End Issue (Multiplayer)
In co-op mode, this issue trips up many players. To successfully end the mission, every player must vote to conclude it. If just one player misses the vote prompt, you'll end up with the "Mission Not Complete" error in Ready or Not.
How to Fix:
- Ensure all players hit Y (the default key) when the vote prompt shows up. Use voice or text chat to remind any players who might have missed it.
- If a player is away from keyboard (AFK), you might need to wait for them or consider removing them from the session.
- If the vote screen doesn't appear for some players, restarting the mission might help.
Check out our article on how to fix 'Can't Connect to Host' in Ready or Not for more multiplayer troubleshooting tips.
3. Objective Bugs
Sometimes, despite completing all objectives, the game might not recognize your efforts.
Common Bugs:
- The game fails to register secured weapons.
- A hostage isn't counted as rescued even when they are.
- An objective remains incomplete even though you've met the conditions.
How to Fix:
- Restart the mission and try again.
- In multiplayer, try switching the host as the game might register objectives differently for different players.
- Verify your game files through Steam: Right-click Ready or Not > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Files to fix any corrupted files that could be causing issues.
The Classic ‘Restart and Hope’ Method
If all else fails, sometimes the only option left is to restart the mission.
While not the most satisfying solution, Ready or Not is still in development, and encountering mission completion bugs is not unusual. If a mission stubbornly refuses to complete, restarting could be your quickest way out.
And there you have it—a comprehensive guide on how to resolve the "Mission Not Complete" issue in Ready or Not.
Ready or Not is available now on PC.
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