Home News Best Agamotto Decks in Marvel Snap

Best Agamotto Decks in Marvel Snap

Author : Emery Update : Mar 06,2025

Best Agamotto Decks in Marvel Snap

Conquer Marvel Snap's time stream with the Prehistoric Avengers season and its star card: Agamotto! This ancient sorcerer, linked to Doctor Strange, is a game-changer. Let's explore the top Agamotto decks currently dominating Marvel Snap.

Agamotto's Mechanics in Marvel Snap

Agamotto is a 5-cost, 10-power card with a unique ability: "Game Start: Shuffle 4 Ancient Arcana into your deck." These Arcana are:

  • Temporal Manipulation: (1-cost) On Reveal: Gives Agamotto +3 Power. Returns him to your hand (if not in play). (Banishes itself.)
  • Wombs of Watoomb: (2-cost) On Reveal: Inflicts -5 Power on an enemy card and moves it right. (Banishes itself.)
  • Bolts of Balthakk: (3-cost) On Reveal: Grants +4 Energy next turn. (Banishes itself.)
  • Images of Ikonn: (4-cost) On Reveal: Transforms other cards in the location into copies of the highest-power card. (Banishes itself.)

Notice the "Banish" keyword. These Arcana, lacking power cost, are Skill cards, not character cards. They're played, then banished, never entering the discard pile. This impacts synergy; they combo with Wong but not Odin, and are unaffected by cards like King Etri, Ravonna Renslayer, or Mister Negative. Their diverse effects make Agamotto adaptable, but also prevent easy deckbuilding.

Top Agamotto Decks in Marvel Snap

Agamotto's archetype is still evolving, but he excels in two existing styles: Wiccan Control and Push Scream.

Wiccan Control:

This deck (Quicksilver, Hydra Bob, Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, Iron Patriot, Sam Wilson, Captain America, Cassandra Nova, Rocket & Groot, Copycat, Galactus, Wiccan, Agamotto, Alioth) is expensive, featuring mostly Series 5 cards. While many cards are replaceable, the core strategy leverages Agamotto's Arcana. Temporal Manipulation gets Agamotto into play early, Wombs of Watoomb disrupts opponents, and Images of Ikonn creates powerful copies of your highest-power card (ideally Galactus or a buffed Wiccan). Bolts of Balthakk provides crucial late-game energy. Cassandra Nova benefits from the synergy, especially given Eson's release.

Push Scream:

This deck (Hydra Bob, Scream, Iron Patriot, Kraven, Sam Wilson, Captain America, Spider-Man, Rocket & Groot, Miles Morales, Spider-Man, Stegron, Cannonball, Agamotto) also features several Series 5 cards (Hydra Bob, Scream, Iron Patriot, Sam Wilson, Rocket & Groot, Cannonball – some replaceable). Wombs of Watoomb is the primary synergy, but Temporal Manipulation boosts Agamotto's late-game impact, and Images of Ikonn multiplies Scream or other high-power cards. This makes the deck less predictable and counters Luke Cage/Shadow King strategies.

Should You Buy the Prehistoric Avengers Season Pass?

Agamotto's power level rivals Thanos or Arishem. He'll shift the meta, creating potent synergies and frustrating opponents. His potential to define a new archetype makes the 9.99 USD price tag worthwhile if you have the budget.

Marvel Snap is available now.