首页 新闻 鲍德尔大门3(BG3)中的最佳野蛮人壮举


作者 : Gabriel 更新日期 : Feb 21,2025





10 - 耐用

An image showing a Tiefling Barbarian and the Durable feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
4+1 Constitution (max 20). Full HP restoration on Short Rest.


9 - 幸运

An image showing a Tiefling Barbarian and the Lucky feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
43 Luck points per Long Rest. Use to gain advantage on rolls or force enemy rerolls.


8 - 法师杀手

An image showing a Tiefling Barbarian and the Mage Slayer feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
4Advantage on saving throws against spells cast at melee range. Reactionary attack against the caster. Disadvantage on concentration saves for hit enemies.


7 - 运动员

An image showing a Tiefling Barbarian and the Athlete feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
4+1 Strength or Dexterity (max 20). Easier standing up from prone. 50% increased jump distance.


6 - 野蛮攻击者

An image showing a Tiefling Barbarian and the Savage Attacker feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
4Roll damage dice twice, keep the highest result for melee weapon attacks.


5 - 充电器

An image showing the Charger feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
4Increased damage when charging. No opportunity attacks provoked.


4 - 坚强

An image showing the Tough feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
4+2 HP per level gained (retroactive).

大大增加点击点池。强硬增加了每级2 hp的2 hp,可追溯使用,使您的野蛮人更具弹性。

3 - 前哨

An image showing the Sentinel feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
4Reactionary weapon attack when an enemy attacks an ally. Advantage on opportunity attacks. Immobilizes hit creature after an opportunity attack.


2 - Polarem Master

BG3 polearm master

Unlock LevelDescription
4Bonus action attack with the polearm's butt. Opportunity attacks when a target enters range.

扩展您的覆盖范围并增加攻击频率。 POLEARM MASTER可以使用Polarem的屁股进行奖励动作攻击,并在敌人接近时允许机会攻击。

1 - 伟大的武器大师

BG3 great weapon master

Unlock LevelDescription
4Bonus action attack after a critical hit or kill. +10 damage, -5 attack roll penalty for heavy melee weapons.


