訊息 全新放置RPG《星旅者》開啟星際戰鬥


作者 : Lucas 更新 : Dec 11,2024
                Mosaic-style idle RPG featuring turn-based combat
                Captain a special operations team on the planet of Panola
                More than 40 different heroes to choose from

Nebulajoy has just announced the launch of their latest project, Stellar Traveler, a mosaic-style idle RPG that invites you to explore the mysteries of Panola. You’ll find yourself as the captain of a special operations team on a human colonisation planet teeming with giant mechanical monsters. Your mission is to uncover the secrets of this alien world while assembling a powerful squad to face any threat that comes your way.

《Stellar Traveler》的遊戲玩法以回合製戰鬥為中心,其中戰略元素與易於上手的機製相融合。自動戰鬥、離線收益、無損繼承係統,讓你輕鬆投入戰鬥,無需擔心失誤或資源管理。 

除了戰場之外,您還會發現許多輕鬆的活動可供享受,例如釣魚和拚圖挑戰。至於英雄,你會發現超過40種不同的選項可供選擇,讓你有足夠的選擇來針對不同的戰鬥場景進行組合。每個英雄都將自己的 3D 技能帶入戰鬥中,讓戰鬥在觀看和製定戰略時都變得引人入勝。



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