Raid: Shadow Legends' latest crossover sees it team up with 80s toy franchise Masters of the Universe
Grab Skeletor as part of a new loyalty program, and He-Man in the Elite Champion Pass
But hurry, you'll need to participate before the event ends to nab the free champion Skeletor
For a series that started out purely as an attempt to sell toys, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe has become a pop-culture landmark. Whether that's because of genuine fondness, the camp factor of the original cartoon, or pure nostalgia. But either way, the series has starred in tons of digital collaborations, and the latest to team up with He-Man and fellow residents of Castle Grayskull is Raid: Shadow Legends.
骷髏標誌性的咯咯笑臉可以透過參加為期 14 天的忠誠度計劃加入您的陣容,在 12 月 25 日之前的 7 個不同的日子裡登錄,您就可以免費抓住他。同時,系列吉祥物希曼也將作為精英冠軍通行證功能的最終獎勵提供。
除了這個連動的簡短動畫和整體設計之外,很明顯它很容易讓人想起八十年代的經典希曼,不像有些人可能知道重新想像的版本。它也明顯地融入了 Raid 逐漸發展的自我意識幽默。 但無論如何,如果您希望在 Raid: Shadow Legends 中為您的陣容獲得一些出色的新冠軍,這次合作一定會令人興奮。
如果這是您第一次嘗試 Raid: Shadow Legends,請避免使用次優冠軍! 沒有人喜歡浪費資源。請查閱我們精心策劃的《Raid: Shadow Legends》冠軍清單(按稀有度分類),以區分有價值和平庸的英雄並優化您的角色名單。