在 iOS 上探索 Meadowfell:和平的奇幻世界
Meadowfell is a super-casual, laid-back open-world explorer
Experience a procedurally generated fantasy world, shapeshift into animals and roam free
No quests, no combat, no conflict; snore-inducing or wonderfully relaxing? You decide
When it comes to making a relaxing experience in gaming, there's always the issue of how you exactly keep the actual playable aspects. I mean, for as laid-back as Stardew Valley is, there's still the occasional heart-pounding plunge into the mines, right? Well, Meadowfell, a new release out now for iOS (coming soon to Android) takes a decidedly different tack.
但這不僅僅是一款行走模擬遊戲,在 Meadowfell 中,你可以解鎖新的動物形態進行變形,或者建造你的花園來創造一個溫馨的家。還有動態天氣提供令人驚嘆的新氛圍,還有拍照模式為您的世界拍照。
但同時,Meadowfell 也不缺乏內容。創造自己的家園和花園、拍照、探索、變形等等的能力都意味著除了被動地體驗風景之外,還有很多事情要做。如果您感到無聊,您可以隨時開始新遊戲,程式生成每次都會提供一個新的探索地點。
想在行動裝置上找到其他放鬆身心的方式嗎?為什麼不瀏覽我們的 Android 上最熱門放鬆遊戲清單以及 iOS 上的同等清單?